the curvy truth scoliosis top blog list

Yay!! I am so excited to make this list! In celebration, I will talk about the background of where this blog has come from and where it’s headed next :)

Where it began

The Curvy Truth began in 2015 after attending a tea talk at a yoga studio in Chicago for people with scoliosis. A friend of mine came with me to the talk for emotional support. I’m so thankful for the people close to me who love me and share their strength as I find my way. While at the talk, I was surprised how interested the other women with scoliosis were in hearing about my experience having a fusion. I never thought much of my story, but I remember when I was a teenage girl, I wished I knew what life would be like in my late 20s and 30s. Would I be in pain? Would I be able to have kids?

Having gone through my twenties and now into my thirties, I’ve been fortunate to learn how to create a life I love. I want to share my learnings so younger girls newly diagnosed don’t have to fear the unknown or struggle as much as I did.

When I chat with my sisters and my friends about wellness, I learn so much from them. I am filled with joy when we spark a thought or an idea in one another that helps us open our eyes just a little bit more to our own circumstances, the world, and how we see ourselves in it. What breaks my heart about the world today is it feels like everyone is responsible only for themselves and we’ve lost a sense of community and tradition. We are isolated and suffering.

With this, the challenge I would like to solve is making healthy lifestyle choices easy, fun and rewarding.

Thank you for being a part of this mission. This outlet fills me with hope and encouragement.

What’s up ahead for The Curvy Truth

My short-term goal is to continue to blog about wellness here. My long-term goal is to conduct a longitudinal study of the effectiveness in the treatment of scoliosis.

If you are interested in participating in future research or would just like to chat, please contact me. I would love to connect with you.

And check out the list of scoliosis blogs!! :) Click on the badge below to see the full list on Feedspot.