I’m definitely not an expert on managing stress. However, I can say I have surprised myself in my ability to function despite a painful season of it. In this post, I share what I turn to for support during this time. I’ve learned a lot about how I respond to stress, how I experience anxiety and how I conduct myself in each of these feelings.

Anxiety feels absolutely crippling. My heart goes out to anyone that struggles with anxiety. I have yet to understand exactly why we experience this feeling and how it serves us because I really think there is a purpose behind it. If for no other reason, perhaps it is our inner self asking for a break. For some quiet time to regroup.

My relationship status with stress: it’s complicated. In short bouts of stress, it can be invigorating. Exciting even, because I get the opportunity to prove to myself what I’m capable of in a challenging situation. But it’s when high levels of stress persist across many days that it becomes problematic for both my mental and physical state. My Garmin vívomove® HR has been a great support in bringing my awareness to my stress levels and how long they stay elevated. Below is a screenshot of a stressful time (notice even in a state of stress while sleeping. Eek!)

stress and scoliosis

I know stress can contribute to, and even cause, many health conditions, but my mind never registered what this actually meant until I lived through it. It wasn’t until my diagnosis with Hashi’s that I had full awareness of the effects of stress. I had the pleasure of living through a chapter of my life where I focused on my health and set strict boundaries that protected me from stress and it was GLORIOUS.

Now, when I experience ongoing stress, it feels like a major setback. I can’t help but think the person or situation that is fueling the stress I’m experiencing is not worth losing my health over. I am working through finding ways to communicate this more gracefully and hold firm with the boundaries in place to protect me.

Below I share the day-to-day habits that I have adopted to create micro-moments of nurturing care.

Wellness Habits to Combat Stress and Anxiety

1. Tulsi Tea

tulsi tea for scoliosis

I wish I had a sign at my desk that read “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my tea.”

My cup of tea is my armor for the day. This powerful adaptogen has been at the foundation of my weekday self-care routine for over a year now. The second that I feel I’m entering into a stressful conversation, I take a moment, excuse myself and I make a cup of tulsi. I typically start my day with Sweet Rose and make Peppermint tulsi in the afternoons. I hold off on the Sleep tulsi until right before bed and make it a couple of times a week.

2. Stress Away Essential Oil Blend

stress away for scoliosis

I’ve learned a lot about essential oils this year and have found ways of integrating them into my life that is life-enhancing and life-giving. This is my favorite smelling essential oil and I use it throughout the work day, rolling it onto my wrists and the sides of my neck. I receive so much support from the use of oils and this oil in particular. I find it to be both calming and comforting and this is a dynamic duo to bring those stress levels down.

If you would like a sample of this essential oil, please send me a note at thecurvytruth@gmail.com :)

3. Celery Juice

celery juice for scoliosis

Packed with magnesium, celery juice has proven to me time and time again that it is a powerhouse for healing. In terms of supporting my body, I find that starting my day with a celery juice results in feeling energized, giving me a strong foundation of nutrients that are depleted during times of stress. (Read more about my experience with celery juice here).

Final Thoughts

The sad side effect of being stressed, overwhelmed and anxious is that it takes me away from the very thing that brings me joy: sharing with you here, on Instagram and in person. I connect with so many people that I care about and I’m so excited to have new people in my life! It pains me to let my self-care slide to the point where I am unable to interact with you here.

If you are going through a stressful season and are looking for some support, please feel free to reach out to me any time. I included my favorites here, but there are many anxiety-relieving and stress reducing solutions out there and I’m confident we can find a path that works best for you.