One thing I appreciate about the scoliosis journey is meeting like-minded people that grasp what I’m experiencing. I am happy to say Emily Thompson is one of those people for me.

Holistic health coach practitioner Emily Thompson

Emily helps exhausted people become empowered patients and finally figure out why they feel the way they do. Through holistic support, she guides them to get to the root cause and begin healing.

When I began working with Emily, it took the guesswork out of what were the best foods for me to be eating and the supplements that my body was ready for. I was able to leverage what I’d read about scoliosis and nutrition and further tailor it to my needs. This was the beginning of being mindful in my healing journey as well as saving a lot of time and money.

What I appreciate most in working with Emily is she empathized with what I was going through and has been a supportive guide as I’ve gone through my healing. How I live my day-to-day life now is a world of difference from where I was two years ago. I’m pleased with the amount of energy I have to spend time with family and friends, keep up with my (very) active boyfriend as we go on beach vacations and travel around the state, and I’m kinder to myself as I am able to better listen to my own needs and honor my limitations. I’ve never had this level of awareness with my body before along with feeling connected to my own intuition, and I’m tickled by my newfound ability to listen to it.

In my sessions with Emily, I love that the output is a list of balancers that provide emotional and dietary support through food, supplements, essential oils, affirmations, and physical activity. I’ve been surprised on numerous occasions by Emily’s depth of knowledge and her curious nature that sparks her to integrate new things in her own life.

My family and I have done all our scans remotely with Emily and I love that even though we live far away, I have access to this form of care. It blows my mind when I think of how much money I spent at the doctor only to be left feeling scared, confused, and frustrated. It makes me thankful that Emily does what she does. I leave our sessions feeling inspired, optimistic, and excited. And for me, that’s priceless.

You can find Emily on Facebook here and on Instagram here.

If you’d like to work with Emily and learn more about her approach to healing, send her a message on Facebook for Instagram.