I’ve really missed being here. “Here” meaning here with you on this blog. Life has taken me on some grand new adventures, and I’m so grateful and happy for the positive changes that have taken place. This has included a new job, a new apartment, a new city and state to call home. So much new! It’s been a fresh start all around.

With all the change, there are many habits that have been put on hold that I’m eager to get back to. Including:

  • Taking myself out for my weekly movie night
  • Going to the gym for yoga and dance classes
  • Church followed by brunch on Sundays
  • Writing time at my favorite library


We all have things that we’ve been missing these past couple months, and it’s also been a great time to reflect and express gratitude for what we have now and what we’ve been able to enjoy in our past.

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about getting back into blogging more regularly as this outlet brings me so much joy and fulfillment and I figure with June being scoliosis awareness month, what a perfect time to jump back in.

What I’m just realizing at this very moment is that while June marks 20 years since my scoliosis fusion surgery, I didn’t realize that my 20 year scoliosis fusion surgery anniversary falls in 2020 – geeking out about this fun little fact right now. 🙂

It’s hard to put exact words to all the things I feel about my journey (though I made an attempt in the YouTube video above) and the point I’ve reached now. I spent many years feeling uncertain and worried about what the future held for me in terms of my body and my health. Now, thanks to women I’ve had the pleasure to walk alongside in this journey along with one-on-one care from Emily Thompson, my holistic health practitioner (you should check her out, she’s AMAZING), I can proudly say I have restored mind-body balance to a degree I had never known previously. I trust myself and I trust my body. I trust the way it communicates and I have lifestyle habits that allow me to care for myself in ways I’d never known how to previously.

The way I think about scoliosis has changed so much, and I’m going to work on communicating this more clearly in future posts. But for today, I’m keeping it light and brief. What a great gift it has been to see this clearly and to choose what I believe is right for me.

Over the course of this month, I’ll be answering some of your frequently asked questions to share some insights from my experience as an adult with a spinal fusion. I don’t know that we hear much about the cases that go well, and I’m hoping to shed some light on this one 🙂

Thank you for reading and spending time with me!!

scoliosis fusion awareness month

Sending light and love to you all,

Carlyn Marie
Fused L1-L4 in June of 2000