DIY Hazelnut Banana “Bread” Butter

I began trying out different kinds of nut butter from Whole Foods as a way to increase the healthy fats and calories in my diet. I found myself going for raw walnut butter and cashew butter. I’ve been limiting my almond intake and venturing out to try new things, and I have not regretted it. The only challenge is it can get a little expensive. I’ve spent up to $15 on a jar of walnut butter. While it is definitely a worthwhile splurge, I couldn’t help but think “there has to be a more affordable way”.

scoliosis recipe diy hazelnut butter

So I made my own :) I made my first clean nut butter, and I have to say, it was better than what I’ve gotten at the store. I went more traditional with my hazelnut butter by adding a chocolatey touch with cacao powder. I used dates for sweetness. During the processing, I tasted the nut butter and came to find that 2 dates were not enough. I didn’t want to wait to soak more, so I added a banana and WHOA was this a good choice. I accidentally made a decadent banana nut bread-like nut butter! I took the pictures before I started, having no idea where I was headed with the final product, so the banana is not shown above, but I do encourage you to try it!


1 cup hazelnuts soaked overnight and drained

2 dates soaked overnight and pitted

1 banana

2 Tbsp raw cacao powder

Melted coconut oil

MCT oil


Mix all ingredients in a food processor until smooth

Add as much oil as needed to attain the desired texture

Use a spoon or spatula to push down the ingredients from the side of the food processor intermittently

(Takes about 15 minutes to blend)

Store in an air-tight container and savor for up to two weeks

Serving Suggestion:

Spread over a baked sweet potato, sprinkle with a dash of Himalayan pink salt and enjoy!

What I liked about making my own nut butter was having full control over what went into it. Though it takes time, I feel complete peace of mind when I make all of my “processed” foods at home. It makes paleo-living a lot less stressful.

Have you tried making homemade butter from nuts or fruits? What flavor combinations did you surprise yourself with? Please leave a comment below! I would love to hear what you think.